Volunteer cover

Insurances in honorary office

Civic engagement must not be associated with incalculable risk. People who are committed to helping others must be insured against accidents and damage.

The state of North Rhine-Westphalia therefore took out state insurance policies in the areas of accident and liability for honorary office on November 1, 2004, in order to close gaps in insurance coverage.

  • Accident insurance coverage

    Who is insured?

    The state insurance for accident insurance protects all volunteers working in North Rhine-Westphalia, as well as volunteer work carried out from NRW in another state or abroad.

    Many volunteers are already covered by statutory accident insurance or by their sponsoring organization. This insurance coverage has priority over the state insurance. However, if this is less than the benefits from the state insurance contract, the difference will be made up. Non-volunteer participants in events, activities, etc. that are organized by volunteers are not covered by the insurance.

    max. 175,000 euros for full disability,
    10,000 euros for death.

  • Liability insurance coverage

    Who is insured?

    The state insurance for the area of liability insurance also protects volunteers working in North Rhine-Westphalia, as well as volunteer work carried out from NRW in another federal state or abroad. The insurance primarily covers the commitment of volunteers in legally dependent associations for which no other insurance coverage exists. Registered clubs, associations, foundations and others are obligated to ensure insurance coverage for their volunteers. Non-volunteer participants in events, activities, etc. organized by volunteers are not covered by the insurance.


    2,000,000 euros for personal injury,
    2,000,000 euros for property damage,
    100,000 euros for financial loss.