Children playing


A colorful truck, a trailer, a dedicated team and 30 - 35 outdoor assignments per season (from the beginning of April to the beginning of October), that's what characterizes the Spielmobil.

The Spielmobil is out and about in the city on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:00 - 7:00 pm. It offers free, pedagogically supervised open play activities for children. The motto: lots of fun, games, sport and excitement!

Adults, parents, residents and playground sponsors as well as social institutions in the context of related district work and other interested people are also welcome to join in and participate together at any time.

  • Operations and timetable

    All assignments are listed in the flyer (under "Further information") and in the gallery below.

    Special operations

    Fri, September 20, 3 - 7 p.m.

    World Children's Day 2024
    OGS am Elbsee, Schalbruch 33

    Sat, September 21, 2 - 6 p.m.GGS im Kalstert, Kalstert 44
  • History

    The idea of working on a mobile basis and bringing educational offers directly to the children and young people arose in 1997 during the closed meetings of the youth promotion department of the youth welfare office. After ten play sessions in 1997, an evaluation of questionnaires revealed that the majority of Hilden's population wanted these services to be continued.

    During the actions in 1997, many children, parents, neighbors and interested people came. The surrounding social institutions also showed great interest. At times, up to 180 children came to the play afternoons, where they played with the staff and used the materials they had brought with them. Meanwhile, parents and neighbors had the opportunity to talk to each other. On some dates, waffles, coffee and cake from the neighborhood were even offered. The farewells of the playmobile were joyfully experienced by the children and neighbors, and the return was explicitly desired.

    From 1998, the initiative was continued with permanent staff. Each season from April to September, about 30-35 Spielmobile deployments were planned throughout the city of Hilden. The playmobile kept a schedule with the dates of the month and offered drinks as well as grilled food.

    Since 2001, there has been close cooperation with the Children's Parliament, which is involved in the selection of playground equipment for new playgrounds. The playground working group also provides support in the planning and supervision of playgrounds. During the playmobile season, children from the working group accompany the operations and are available as contact persons. In 2009, the playmobile received a major sponsorship from Stadtwerke Hilden, which made it possible to purchase new event equipment.

    In 2014, a new vehicle with a larger body was purchased, and in 2015, sponsorship by the company 3M enabled the Sprinter to be colorfully wrapped.

    Assistance in any form is expressly desired. A simple address is enough!