Entrance Mittelstraße

Accessibility statement

As the website operator, we (Stadtverwaltung Hilden) endeavor to design the website in accordance with the relevant accessibility regulations. The following legal provisions apply to us:

Law of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia on Equal Opportunities for People with Disabilities (North Rhine-Westphalia Equal Opportunities for People with Disabilities Act - BGG NRW) and Barrier-Free Information Technology Ordinance of North Rhine-Westphalia (BITVNRW)

This accessibility statement applies to the website

Feedback and contact details
Have you noticed any deficiencies in the barrier-free access to content on our website or do you have any comments as well as questions about barrier-free access? Please feel free to contact us at:


At the town hall 1

40721 Hilden

+49 2103 720

Contact us using the contact form or the feedback form for the website:

State ofcompliance
This website is fully compliant with the accessibility regulations that apply to us.

Disproportionate burden
The following content is not provided barrier-free because this would result in a disproportionate burden for us: PDF documents, forms, images. If you need any of these documents, please feel free to contact us at info@hilden.de.

Accessible Alternatives
We provide the following accessible alternatives for our non-accessible content: Contact form.

Enforcement procedure
If you believe that you have been disadvantaged by an inadequate barrier-free design of our website, you can contact the responsible enforcement body. You can reach them at:

Ombudsman's Office for Accessible Information Technology of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia at
State Representative for People with Disabilities
Fürstenwall 25
40219 Düsseldorf
E-mail: ombudsstelle-barrierefreie-it@mags.nrw.de