Information in plain language
Welcome to the website of the city of Hilden.
Here we explain to you
which information you can find where on the website.
The homepage
There is a large search field at the top.
You can use this to search for specific topics.
Below this you will see 6 large buttons.
These will take you quickly to important areas.
Under "News" you will find the latest news.
So you are always well informed.
You can see all the dates in the event calendar.
If you click on an event,
you will receive more information:
- Date
- Time
- Location
The events are divided into topics, e.g:
- Exhibitions
- Concerts
- Political events
Some events take place regularly.
At the bottom of the page is the "Topics" section.
You will find a lot of information here.
You can browse or search for specific topics.
Navigation (menu)
The menu is at the top right. It is called "Burger menu".
The menu has 6 sections:
- City & Town Hall
- Family & Education
- Culture & Leisure
- Social & Integration
- Economy & Construction
- Environment & Climate
If you click on an area,
you will see more subtopics.
Sometimes there is a plus sign (+) next to headings.
If you click on it, you will see more information.
You can also translate the website into other languages.
Service portal
You will find many offers in the service portal:
- Submit applications
- Download forms
- Find important contact points
The service portal makes many things easier.
Footer (at the bottom of the page)
At the bottom of each page you will find important links:
- Privacy
- Imprint
- Contact