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We2 to the job
3-phase model

Integration into the labor market for
people who have experienced flight

3-phase model

We2 to the job
3-phase model

Following the successful kick-off event on 07.11.2023, we would like to present you with a summary of our project "Wir2 zum Job / 3-Phasen-Modell - Integration in den Arbeitsmarkt".

In the screening preparation phase, participants are identified and prepared for the job market. In the assessment phase, participants are assessed in detail, followed by individual development plans and support in their job search. In the matching phase, participants are put in contact with potential companies and receive long-term support to ensure successful integration. The aim of the project is to enable jobseekers to integrate into the labor market in a sustainable and tailored manner.

The aim is to help people who have fled their country to integrate into the labor market. The project is scheduled to start in January 2024.

The project is carried out in close cooperation with the major Hilden-based company QIAGEN GmbH. QIAGEN GmbH finances the expenses of the mentors involved.

The Hilden-Haan Adult Education Center (VHS Hilden-Haan) has offered itself as a cooperation partner, which supports the project participants with special integration courses for integration into the respective occupational fields, as well as the respective companies, including in-house. The aim of the courses is to teach technical terms from the world of work in addition to the traditional German and integration courses.

We are still looking for further cooperation partners / employers.
