Photovoltaic system at the 3M plant

Labor market integration

Kick-off event

"3-phase model - integration into the labor market for people with refugee experience".  

Date: Tuesday, November 07, 2023, from 4:00 p.m.
Location: QIAGEN GmbH, Casino, QIAGEN Str.1, 40724 Hilden, Germany

Please fill out the following form to register for participation in the event (registration deadline: November 02, 2023):
To registration form


  1. Welcome and registration of arriving guests (16:00 - 16:30)
  2. Opening speech by mayor Dr. Claus Pommer (start 4:30 p.m.)
  3. Presentation of the 3-phase model
  4. Integration of the educational institution VHS Hilden-Haan
  5. Field reports from the practice
    • History of the Integration Fund Hilden-Haan
    • Case Study Biotech Company QIAGEN
  6. Break (with snack and drinks)
  7. Info-Points: Information exchange
  8. Farewell (end approx. 18:00)

Joint event by:

Logo city administration Hilden
VHS Hilden-Haan Logo