Photovoltaic system at the 3M plant


Tablet with start up image

Working on your own account, becoming a boss, marketing a new product yourself, taking over a company or offering tradesman services. Start-ups do all this!

Supporting start-ups and young companies is also a central concern of the business development department. Contacts with authorities, support with licensing issues or information on funding opportunities - the business development department is always available here as an active partner. In addition, the city of Hilden offers start-ups whose companies are no more than three years old a rental subsidy for commercial space.

  • Consulting services for start-ups

    Logo of the Startercenter NRW

    The STARTERCENTER NRW at the district of Mettmann offers various seminars and consultation hours for people interested in founding a company, self-employed persons and companies:

    Startercenter beim Kreis Mettmann

    Gründungslotse Lars Brede
    Fon: 02104 99-2604

    You can also get detailed advice on starting up a business from all the other Startercenters in NRW:

    Startercenter IHK Düsseldorf
    Gründungslotsin Marina Friedman
    Fon: 0211 3557-246

    Startercenter HWK Düsseldorf
    Start-up Helper Tabea Schneider
    Fon: 0211 8795-333

    A complete overview of all STARTERCENTER NRW. and further information can be found at:

    On the business start-up portal of the Federal Ministry of Economics they find assistance to the planning of an independence up to their conversion:

  • Rent subsidy for start-ups

    Image coins and house

    Rental subsidy for office and hall space in Hilden

    Business founders who want to set up their own business in Hilden on an office and/or hall space, or to consolidate their existence, can apply for a rental subsidy within 3 years of setting up their business. You can find more information here: